miércoles, 9 de noviembre de 2016

Algunas explicaciones sobre el triunfo de Trump en Noviembre del 2016

Son algunas respuestas a el editorial de PAUL KRUGMAN 

Paul Krugman: Our Unknown Country

NEW YORK TIMES, 8 de Noviembre del 2016 (at night) 

1.- RachelWI

Not Hilary - that is what drove my Presidential vote. I asked myself who had a chance to win over Hilary & voted for that person. It's that simple. I'm a college-educated woman in my 30's with a family. I'm not a fan of Trump but Hilary's deceit and lies prevent me from trusting her AT ALL. Her illegal actions deserve a prison sentence not the Presidency. 

I'm pro-equality. I totally agree with marriage between two persons of the same sex. I'm the sole wage earner in my family. I voted Trump because he's not Hilary. Under NO circumstance would I want the world of the 1950's. Stay-at-home wife letting my mind rot and my future evaporate - NO THANKS! Again, I voted for the candidate most likely to beat Clinton. Period.

2.- JpMichigan

"There turn out to be a huge number of people — white people, living mainly in rural areas — who don’t share at all our idea of what America is about. For them, ..."

Maybe, just maybe Krugman they do not see the same glowing scene as you see in your morning runs through Upper Manhattan. Based on what you observed you declared all was well with the Republic. If you ventured out of your isolation into flyover country you would find folks experiencing a rise in violent crimes. Fortunately more and more have been fighting and firing back on the perpetrators. Sometimes the good guys win. These aren't rural areas but more than likely urban or suburban areas.

As for whites in rural areas living in a racially isolated area but you know as well as I do that NY City it racially segregated. Take a look at your public schools. You have no moral high ground to pass any sort of racial judgment on working class folks and neither would a President Hillary Clinton.
Someone saying they want tighter border controls is not automatically a xenophobe and racist.
Your hateful temper tantrum is a good indicator of the state of progressive thought in America today.

3.- Matt ShawSouth Carolina
I live in South Carolina. 
Most of the people in my world voted for Donald Trump. I did not. The hundreds of Trump voters that I know are not small-minded, racist, or bigoted. They are not anti-immigration, nationalistic, or hateful.
The biggest failure in this election cycle--and for years past--is the failure of the press.
To whom much is given, much is required. 
To the press:
You have resources, education, and a framework from which to discover and report on the true state of people's problems, issues, and concerns. Instead, you preferred to promote ideology and particular agendas. 
You missed it. 
You, you journalists, who hold yourselves in such tremendous regard--you who see yourselves as defenders of the republic--you have failed.
You don't know the world that I know, the people that I know.
Instead, you choose cheap labels for that America: Racist. Homophonic. Islamophobic. Nationalistic. But those words don't represent them.
You don't know them, you don't seek them out. You haven't sought to understand or tell their stories.
Those Trump-voting Americans don't represent the biggest failure of this nation. You do. You have tremendous influence, big social media followings, and great sway over the direction of this nation. They only have their vote. You've squandered that which you were given by betraying them and by betraying reality. The shame is yours.
I hope you will proceed forth with with humility to listen and to learn.

4.- rjs7777NK

Paul, are you aware of the phenomenon that the median voters decides election results?

No? It's a simple part of basic civics class, and basic game theory too, of course. Well, here's the really interesting part. Wages have gone down, and prices for essential up, for 40 years, Paul. GDP has grown -- wonderful! But the median voter has not thrived, because robbery has occurred. By people like you and me, Paul, the elites. You and I hold stocks, which are impervious to wage strife. In fact we get an indecent boost of capitalistic wealth when we cut the pay of our employees, offshore them and import hordes of foreign replacement workers.

You are a trade expert. I won't bore you with that. I'll just state my theorem and leave. The median voter hasn't done well, so they don't give a rip about your pain, Paul. The median voter was better off in 1976 than in 2016, Paul. Deal with that. It might help you to forecast political outcomes more accurately, and to gain new respect for the sophistication of human beings. As much as you believe in your own intelligence, try to believe in others as well. Try to get out more. Get out of the City, the beltway and the Ivy League and begin to learn about the real world. Cheers, my friend.

5.- PaulineGreenwich, CT
The NYT just chuckled that DJT had any chance at all to win this election. Their elitist superiority looked forward to the coronation of Queen Hillary.
Now a TV reality celebrity has been elected President.
67% of the US has no college degree. An amazing number of educated women were in a pink funk imagining a woman as President. Forget she has no ethics. Forget that she lied about the server and emails. She knew the Old Boys Network had her back. She was smug and superior.
What the NYT and other Liberals did not take seriously was that educated Americans also voted against HRC by voting for DJT.
HRC is a poseur. She just calmly told voters what they wanted to hear. She promised and promised with no conviction she could deliver on those promises. I voted for Obama in 2008. What a disappointment. Hope? Change?
In 2020, I hope the Democrats will come up with a serious candidate. If they do not, Trump will be in office until 2024. Time to take journalistic mandate seriously. Start writing about hope and change! 
Why did you become writers? The NYT is such a smug, downtrending rag. One step above the Jerry Springer Show. Where is the NYT I read in 1960? Dead!!

6.- JayTSan Francisco

Shut up and go away. Don't you get it? You're part of the coastal elite that the MAJORITY just REJECTED. You're done. Don't make it worse.

7.- CBBoston

Paul Krugman you still do not understand, do you? You do not understand that the arrogance you display in this editorial is emblematic of why the results are what they are, do you? Characteristically, you accuse people who disagree with you of being sexist and racist. No my friend this election is a rejection of the NYT, Robert DeNiro and others like you who call good people like me racist and sexist because we disagree with you. It is a rejection by good honorable hardworking people of a vile disgusting criminal who presumed to deserve to be president because she is female. It is a rejection of the office of Title 9 enforcement, a president that does not enforce immigration laws, of the insanity of suggesting that there are more than two genders. No, Paul Krugman, you still do not understand that it is you and people like you who created this outcome. Watching your agony is the best part of the night.

8.- AnneCalifornia

You and the New York Times bear a disproportionate amount of the blame. You are the ones who are out of touch, not only with the rural white males, but with the vast majority of Americans who are angry, scared and hurting. You dismissed and denigrated the only Democratic candidate who could have addressed the very real suffering, the yearning for change and for a chance to regain security and equality. You never did "get" the depth of anger and angst and the desperate desire for change born of economic ruin and hopelessness faced by millions who never fully recovered from the Recession. Of course, from your Ivory Tower, the status quo might have looked like it just needed a little tweaking and a lot of compromise. I used to be a fan of yours, but now I realize that the only thing you had to say that was worthwhile was that austerity doesn't work. Well, neither does compromise in the face of unremitting greed and hypocrisy. We need a bold leader who understands the pain and anger and fear of the 99%. Instead you took away any choice or hope and foisted a predetermined darling of the elite on the masses.. The phrase "let them eat cake" comes to mind. That left only one unconventional revolutionary running for office. Though I'm as horrified as you, I'm not nearly as befuddled.